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About Us /
Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA   

The CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ professional designations have been reviewed and approved by a state insurance department legal counsel as being in compliance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model Regulation 278-1 on the use of senior-specific certifications and professional designations.          

Most states have adopted the NAIC Model Regulation 278-1. The state of California has not adopted the NAIC Model Regulation 278-1; therefore, our designations are not available to resident agents in California.                                 


The CMIP® professional designation has been determined by FINRA® to be appropriate for listing on the FINRA®  website database for professional designations.

Go to for more information.

Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA is a Professional Designation and Credentialing Organization for the Insurance industry. We are not an Agency, FMO, or IMO. Our Professional Designation Holder Members do not solicit insurance business through Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA.

Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA, authorizes the use of its trademarks: CMIP®, CMIS, CMIR, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, Certified Medicare Insurance Specialist™, and Certified Medicare Insurance Representative to agents that have met Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, DBA administration’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. The Federal Government, CMS, and Medicare do not affiliate with or endorse ANY professional designation, which would include the CMIP®, CMIS, and CMIR™ designations.

To verify CMIP® , CMIS™, or CMIR

certification of one of our member

designation holders, or to file a complaint, call (833)FOR-CMIP

or email a request, or a complaint to


How to qualify for the CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIRDesignations:

  • Must be an actively licensed health insurance agent that has been health licensed for at least 7 years for CMIP®, 5 years for CMIS™, 3 years for CMIR™, and in good standing with your resident state insurance department.                      

  • Must have passed at least 7 years of AHIP or Carrier MA/PDP certification for the CMIP®, 5 years for the CMIS™, and 3 years for the CMIR™.                                              

  • Must have high ethical personal and business standards.                                  

  • Click on the Apply/Join page of this website and fill out the application.            

  • Upload a copy of your active resident insurance license in good standing.           

  • Upload your AHIP certificates, or Carrier MA/PDP certificates, 7 years for CMIP®, 5 years for CMIS™, and 3 years for CMIR™.  Before uploading you must combine all certificates into one pdf file to upload (Scan all and combine by saving into one pdf file.)                                       

  • Once we receive your documentation, we will begin our verification and vetting process, and verify that you are in "good standing" with your resident state insurance department.                               

  • You will be notified by email if you have qualified, or have not qualified, for the CMIP®, CMIS™, or CMIR™ designation.   

  • If qualified, pay your first year member fee; download, sign, and return the Ethics/Violation/Agreements document.     

  • You will receive your designation confirmation by email.                               

  • Maintain your designation annually by: paying your annual renewal fee, uploading proof of your annual MA/PDP certification, remaining in good standing with your resident state insurance department, and abiding by our Code of Ethics/Violation/Agreements Policy.           

  • After obtaining your CMIR™ or CMIS™ designation, and you qualify for an advanced designation (i.e., going from CMIR to CMIS, or from CMIS to CMIP), as long as you are a currently active designation holder with us, if approved, you pay only $125, instead of the normal initial membership fee for that advanced designation. The annual renewal fee will still apply.


      Note: If you can not prove 7 years of certification for the CMIP®, we have our own extensive testing that is available for a fee. As long as you have at least 6 years of certification, and have obtained your CMIS™, you can take our comprehensive testing for one year credit of equivalent certification as long as you have been licensed at least 7 years as a health insurance producer, in good standing. Call for details.                   

Our CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ designations are more than just letters placed behind your name. We are a community of professionals who strive for excellence in what we do. Professional agents that possess our core "K.E.E." values of Knowledge, Ethics, and Experience.


CMIP® CMIS™, and CMIR™   are the premier professional designations for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement/PDP producers.

To qualify for the CMIP® ,CMIS™, and CMIR™

designations, we take into account the years of experience, training, education, testing, ethics, and certification of a licensed health agent in good standing with their resident state insurance department.                                


All CMIP® , CMIS™, and CMIR™ Designation Holders must adhere to our ethical standards.

Certified Medicare Insurance Planner- The Premier Medicare Insurance Designation
Certified Medicare Insurance Specialist- Premier Medicare Insurance Designation
Certified Medicare Insurance Representative- Premier Medicare Insurance Designation

CMIP®CMIS, and CMIR  Member Benefits:

Note: The term member refers to those who have received their CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ designations. Member certificants do not have voting rights for the organization.

  • Our professional designations have been determined by state insurance department legal counsel to be compliant with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model Regulation 278-1 on the use of senior-specific certifications and professional designations.                                                                                                 

  • Our CMIP® designation has been determined by FINRA® to be appropriate for listing on FINRA®'s database for professional designations.                                                  We are the only Medicare Insurance designation listed on FINRA®.                                                      

  • Our CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ designations are legitimate professional designations exclusively for the experienced and ethical MA/Med Supp/PDP-producing health agent.                                                                                                                    Don't risk making potentially fraudulent claims by bestowing a false designation upon yourself, which is illegal and unethical. Just because you've passed CMS-required annual training doesn't mean you can call yourself a Medicare Certified agent. You were not certified by CMS or Medicare. In fact, any agent stating that they are Medicare certified is making a false statement.  They have only passed CMS required MA/PDP annual training and received authorization from their carriers to be able to sell MA/PDP plans for that plan year.                                                                    

  • You will be entered in our online designated agent national search bar database at the top of our website for beneficiaries to look up our designation holders by state and city, along with their contact information.                                                                    

  • Upon approval, you are allowed to place our CMIP®CMIS™, and CMIR™ designation letters behind your name indicating your professional designation membership.              Maintain your designation by annually passing AHIP or carrier MA/PDP annual training and uploading proof of your MA/PDP training certification, remaining in good standing with your resident state insurance department, abiding by our Code of Ethics/Violation Policy/Agreements document, and paying your annual renewal fee.                                                                           

  • You will receive a CMIP®, CMIS™, or CMIR™ certificate that you can frame and place on your office wall as long as you maintain your annual membership.​                       

  • You may initiate a press release which will include using specific verbiage provided by Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA Administration.                                                

  • You may use our official CMIP®CMIS™, or CMIR™ logo (whichever you qualify for) in your marketing pieces, websites, storefronts, etc., as long as your name is adjacent to the logo and you do not imply or infer that Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™ is the name of, or associated with your company, this is an individual designation and that you use according to the guidelines written in our Code of Ethics/Violation Policy/Agreements document (The CMIP Logos are not available for use by CMIR™ or CMIS™ designation holders.)                         

  • Although the professional designation industry is not regulated by CMS or Medicare, we keep abreast of changes in Medicare marketing guidelines and how it could affect the use of our trademarks, to help keep you compliant with Medicare marketing rules.                        Our designations are not agency names; they are professional designations and would not fall under certain states recent restrictions on using Medicare in agency names as long as you follow our rules and regulations in our Code of Ethics/Violation Policy/Agreements document.                                                   Our designations and organization are compliant with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model Regulation 278-1 on the use of senior-specific certifications and professional designations as determined by state insurance department legal counsel.

  • You will be entered into our membership database for clients, hiring managers, or anyone else to prove your CMIP®, CMIS™, or CMIR designation.                                            Note: You will be removed from our database, and you will no longer be able to use the CMIP®, CMIS™, or CMIR™ designation in any capacity if you do not maintain your annual membership by passing MA/PDP annual training and sending in your annual AHIP or Carrier MA/PDP certification, paying your annual renewal fee, remaining in "good standing" with your state resident insurance department, and abiding by our  Code of Ethics/Violation/Agreements Policy. Your annual AHIP or carrier certificate and your annual renewal fee are due on the first day of your anniversary month. There is a 30-day grace period beyond that. After the grace period has expired, your designation will be revoked.


Levels of CMIP® designation:

  1.  Class A / 7 years each of annual certification and resident state health license. 

  2. Class AA / 10 years each of annual certification and resident state health license.

  3. Class AAA / 15+ years each of annual certification and resident state health license

       *All levels are contingent upon maintaining your membership in good standing.

Elite Medicare Insurance Agents

Most states have adopted the NAIC Model Regulation 278-1. The state of California has not adopted the NAIC Model Regulation 278-1; therefore, our designations are not available to resident agents in California.                                 

The CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ professional designations have been reviewed and approved by a state insurance department legal counsel as being in compliance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model Regulation 278-1 on the use of senior-specific certifications and professional designations.          


The CMIP®   professional designation has been determined by FINRA® to be appropriate for listing on the FINRA®  website database for professional designations.

Go to: for more information.


Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, DBA is a Professional Designation and Credentialing Organization for the Health Insurance industry. We are not an Agency, FMO, or IMO. Our Professional Designation Holder Members do not solicit insurance business through Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, DBA.

Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, DBA, authorizes the use of its trademarks CMIP®, CMIS, CMIR, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, Certified Medicare Insurance Specialist™, and Certified Medicare Insurance Representative to agents that have met Certified Medicare Insurance Planner, DBA administration’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. The Federal Government, CMS, and Medicare do not affiliate with or endorse ANY professional designation, which would include the CMIP®, CMIS, and CMIR designations.

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