To: To all CMIP®, CMIS™, CMIR™ Designation Holders and Subscribers
RE: AEP Begins...Quality over Quantity
We're here again! AEP is upon us.
Let us remember who we are this AEP. We are the elite of the industry. We take pride in being professional. We always put the client first. We don't shorten required presentations, we don't don't omit pertinent information so we can make a sale. We are compliant and complete. We treat every client how we would treat the loved ones in our lives.
Being in the life and health business for 30 years, I know the temptation to walk the broad line (with broadened regulation, especially in the Medicare Advantage insurance industry, the ethical grey thin line has broadened ) of ethical grey areas; especially when you are trying to feed a family on a commission only basis...I get it.
I spent the first few years of my career as a health and life agent, as a commission only captive agent. My wife was staying home to raise our infant and 2/12 year old sons. I was given one county to work and it was one hour away and also had the distinction of having the highest unemployment rate in the state of Oklahoma. Their marketing strategy was to give me a county map, and my job was to pick a road and knock on every door on that road (obviously before Medicare Advantage was around). If I didn't sell, it was difficult to feed my family. As tough as those times were, I learned a lot about people and the business.
I learned during those times that you have to genuinely put the interests of your clients first. People have an innate sense that you are treating them fairly and honestly. If you do this and don't quit, you will succeed.
So, I know, as the elite in our industry, during this AEP and every one thereafter, you will genuinely put your clients first. This is who we are.
We are CMIPs, CMISs, and CMIRs. We are the elite in our industry!
Here's to a blessed AEP! Go get em...the right way, the CMIP way!
Thank you for all that you do!
Kevin Firth - President
Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA