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CMIP-News and Updates:

To our CMIP® / CMIS™/ CMIR™  Family:    (Posted 04-27-2020)
We need to take this time to re-evaluate things in our lives. We shouldn't get so busy in our careers that we forget what is really important in life...our family, friends, loved ones, and humanity in general. While we are forced to take a step back during this pandemic, and any other adversity that may head our way, let us take deliberate steps forward in building our relationships.
May God be with you and your families.
Kevin Firth- President

Writer's picture: Kevin Firth, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBAKevin Firth, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA

They're Off! Even though this AEP you may have had to tweak how you communicate and meet with your clients this year because of Covid-19, I implore all CMIP™ and CMIR™ certificants to maintain the utmost integrity by following all CMS marketing rules and guidelines. Our CMIP™ and CMIR™ certificants set the standards of excellence in our industry.

Thank you for all that you do and be safe!

Here's to an outstanding AEP!


Kevin Firth, President and Founder

Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™

Writer's picture: Kevin Firth, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBAKevin Firth, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA

To our C.M.I.P. Family:

We need to take this time to re-evaluate things in our lives. We shouldn't get so busy in our careers that we forget what is really important in life...our family, friends, loved ones, and humanity in general. While we are forced to take a step back during this pandemic, let us take a step forward in building our relationships.

May God be with you and your families.

Kevin Firth- President

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